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Testing in Thessaloniki

10th December 2022

Evgenii (EPFL) has delivered the latest version of the stimulator to the team in Thessaloniki

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1st December 2022

At a satellite meeting of the workshop on olfaction, material from Lausanne transited to Dresden via Lyon. We are almost ready for testing in patients in the New Year.

Demonstrating a second generation stimulator
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Scientific Meeting Milano

15th September 2022

Representatives from all members of the consortium gathered in Milan (Italy) on the 15th of September 2022 in order to discuss the achievements and next steps of the Rose project. The latest versions of the odor sensor and of the stimulating array were presented. Thanks to these advances and the cooperation between work packages, the first multi-centric study involving human testing will be launched in the autumn.  Consortium members were given an overview of the PoliMi lab’s facilities for mechanical design and the creation of scenarios for future proof-of-concept using virtual reality.

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Meeting of the Advisory Board

lunch break

Members of the scientific advisory board, Martin Witt, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Bernard Perroud, and Jack Bikker, met with representatives from all seven project partner institutes at CRNL Lyon on the 28th June 2022. The session included a project overview, followed by short presentations outlining the objectives, status, and upcoming effort in each of the seven work packages. The day was productive and enjoyable, and the general consensus was that there is tangible evidence of progress having been made in the first year of the project. The presentations demonstrated considerable interaction between researchers in different institutions. We are therefore leveraging our expertise to move the work forward effectively. Obviously we have a long way to go, but we are up for the challenge!

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First generation stimulator test

10th May 2022

After 6 months of development, the very first generation stimulator built for the Rose project was tested on May 10th 2022 in Dresden with members from EPFL, Aryballe, CNRS and Dresden.

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Rose official announcement

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Today we announced that the European Innovation Council awarded 3 million euros to the Rose project to assist people with anosmia.


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Kick-off meeting

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Rose consortium members met on 22/09/2021 for the Kick-off meeting in hybrid format (face-to-face in Lyon and by videoconference).

Amphithéâtre du Neurocampus Michel Jouvet
Centre Hospitalier le Vinatier
95 Boulevard Pinel
69500 Bron, France