CNRS (Neuropop-CRNL)

Neurocampus Michel Jouvet

The Neuropop group at the Center for Research in Neuroscience at Lyon (CRNL) is specialised in experimental psychology and psychophysics. We study olfactory perception in the context of human neural and behavioural mechanisms using fMRI, EEG and electrophysiology.

Moustafa Bensafi, director of research at the CRNL, is ROSE project coordinator

The team

Moustafa Bensafi, ROSE project coordinator

Moustafa Bensafi is a director of research at CNRS.  His current work focuses on the cerebral functioning of the sense of smell and olfactory deficits in humans. He applies a multidisciplinary approach to his work, combining psychology, computer science and neurobiology to improve understanding of the links between cognition, olfaction and emotions.

Camille Ferdenzi, Leader WP6

Camille Ferdenzi is a Research Scientist at CNRS. She is expert in the psychophysical evaluation of olfactory perception in humans, including in patients with olfactory disorders. Her main interests lie in the area of biological odours and olfactory communication.

Halina Stanley

Halina Stanley is a research physicist with a background in nano-scale characterization of materials in industry and academia. She enjoys interdisciplinary projects and solving practical problems. She recently took a career break to obtain a masters degree in cognitive science and training in machine learning techniques. She helps with data analysis and by creating a bridge between the engineering and psychophysics teams.